STERLING CUSTOMS BROKERS & FREIGHT FORWARDERS INC. is an international freight forwarder and fully bonded.
As a NVOCC we provide full set of multimodal international forwarder services in logistics. Sterling Customs Brokers & Freight Forwarders Inc., is an ocean international freight forwarder, air international freight forwarder and rail and truck international freight forwarder. Our services portfolio includes break-bulk forwarding, warehousing, distribution, consolidation, cargo insurance, containers sale etc.
Being successful international freight forwarder and NVOCC our professional team is ready to provide you with all international forwarder services and support needed for your forwarding. We have excellent relations all over the world with other forwarders and are committed to find the most optimized and cost effective route for your cargo. We can provide you the best routing suited to your budget and forwarding requirements.
If you need international freight forwarder and NVOCC we guarantee the finest freight forwarding customer service. Let us offer you our experience and knowledge and make the best time and cost saving choice for you. Please contact our sales department for a friendly forwarder quote.
The job of the freight forwarder is typically to arrange the movement of cargo to national or international destinations from its source. Sterling Customs Brokers & Freight Forwarders Inc. specialize in international shipping are also referred to as international freight forwarders. Specialized companies like us, have the expertise necessary to enable us to prepare and process all the required documentation as well as to perform international shipment related activities.
As freight forwarder we will review such typical information as the commercial invoice, bill of lading, shipper’s export declaration and other documents that are required by the carrier or the country of export, import or transhipment. Currently, much of this information is computerizes and therefore processed in a paperless environment.
The customer benefits from the services provided by us in that all the hard work is taken care of for by us so you have little else to do apart from provide the shipping details and pay for the service. You can then rest assured that your package or consignment of goods no matter how small or large it may be will be shipped from your address and be ready for the recipient in a timely manner, intact and safe.
As a Logistics service provider, you know how important it is to stay connected in the Logistics and Freight industries.
In fact – these days, having the right people in your network of partners can greatly increase your service capabilities without having to take the time and invest the capital into actually including it in your own service offerings (and in some cases, even if you did make that leap, you’d discover it wasn’t a good one in terms of strengthening your core business). As a member, you join with more than 450+ other similar organizations who share the same level of enthusiasm and commitment being the member in same group to support and develop mutual business opportunities. Begun in 2004,FNC Group is dedicated to bring collective and strong goal for a successful partnership and business within FNC Group.
What you need is a trustworthy network of freight forwarders and logistics providers to work with – companies with a reputation that matches your own hard earned reputation for excellence. What you need is the power of the Freight Network Corporation working for you. Who you network and partner with could easily be the most important decision you can make in your logistics and freight forwarding business.
Partner with the wrong people, and it’s not just a hassle – it’s your good name on the line. This is one of the central guiding tenants of the Freight Networking Corporation.